Immune Evasion by bacteria

How do bacteria circumvent the immune system?

Obviously, if the immune system successfully recognises, consumes and destroys all of the organisms that are present in any given infection, then that organism has failed to establish itself in the body, and thus cannot cause disease.

However, the immune system does not always succeed in its task. Often the reason for this failure is that the invading organism has evolved a strategy for evading or suppressing the hosts immune response to that organism.

Many different strategies have evolved in different organisms; below is presented a list of some of those strategies.

Strategies directed against acquired immunity

Strategies directed against Phagocytes

As you remember, the Phagocytes, i.e. the Macrophages and Microphages, are the cells responsible for consuming and destroying invading bacteria. Many microbial strategies for survival involve action against the Phagocytes. Strategies include